Wheel Alignment

Wheel Alignment Service in Tempe & Mesa

It is important to keep your car in line. GWAR’s wheel alignment service will make sure your vehicle is stable, safe, and riding smoothly. Our technicians will restore your vehicles alignment to as close to factory settings as mechanically possible, ensuring even tire wear and optimal fuel efficiency. Good Works Auto Repair recommends an alignment service if you have:
Recently purchased new tires
Had a collision, accident, or ran over a large pothole
Or are replacing suspension or steering parts
It is particularly important to have a wheel alignment service if you are experiencing any of the following warning signs:
Your vehicle is pulling to the left or right
Your steering wheel is crooked when driving on a level road
Your tires seem to be wearing unevenly or squeal when turning
You can feel a vibration in your steering wheel or seat
Make your wheel alignment appointment today!
How Often We Recommend
a Wheel Alignment
If you are experiencing any of the symptoms listed above, GWAR recommends having your alignment checked at your earliest convenience. We will make sure your car is performing to the best of its ability, providing you with optimum handling, traction, and safety.