


2348 E. Broadway Rd.
Tempe, AZ 85282

Auto Repair Near ASU

Auto Repair Near ASU & MCC:
Student Discounts & Free Shuttle Service

auto repair near ASU student discount

At Good Works Auto Repair we have a responsibility to our Arizona College and University Students and their parents. We understand the importance of trusting a local Arizona State University auto repair facility to help solve problems and perform service maintenance when needed. We offer special student discounts to students from all our local colleges and universities:

  • Arizona State University – ASU
  • Mesa Community College –  MCC
  • Chandler Glendale Community College – CGCC
  • Scottsdale Community College – SCC
  • And all the other Arizona colleges!

Many of us here are also parents, and we appreciate what it is like to have your ASU student away from home. Our technicians are more than mechanics, they are highly trained, certified professionals who will provide a full explanation of the services needed and provided, along with a written estimate and the best warranty in the business. We will work with you and your student, whether it’s for a

  • maintenance appointment
  • oil change
  • tire repair
  • or a major breakdown that requires a tow

Honest and Affordable Auto Repair Near ASU and Other Phoenix Area Colleges

We are happy to talk to parents long distance to help answer questions and we accept credit card payments over the phone. For your convenience, we also offer a free shuttle to and from the ASU campus. And, to guarantee that your son or daughter’s car gets the necessary care, we also offer refillable gift cards – along with a student discount coupon below. Now there’s no excuse for not getting that oil change!

Good Works Auto Repair services all domestic and foreign vehicles as well as medium-duty trucks and hybrid engines. We are happy to work around your schedule at ASU so contact us today for an appointment. Our goal is to keep you safe and your vehicle trouble free!

Student discounts for auto repairs at GWAR

Our Location

2348 E. Broadway Road
Tempe on the
West Mesa border

Shop Hours

Mon – Fri 7:30 – 5:30

Don’t wait! Make your service appointment today!