Cooling System

Radiator & Cooling System Service
Good Works Auto Repair knows that once a cooling system suffers long-term neglect, it turns into an on-going source of problems. Once corrosion takes place, the damage is difficult to reverse.
Cooling system neglect is cited as a principal reason for mechanical failure of a vehicle. In addition to the danger and inconvenience of a breakdown, the damage to the engine and transmission can add up to thousands of dollars. Discovering a leaking radiator, hose connection, a sticking thermostat or other cooling system component that’s on “borrowed time” can save the life of one’s engine. Additionally, overheating can damage valve guides, scuff pistons, crack cylinder heads, and crush head gaskets.
Make your cooling system service appointment today!
What We Do During
Cooling System Service
According to AAA, cooling system failures are among the leading causes of vehicle breakdowns on the highway. Yet most of these breakdowns can be prevented by the following preventative maintenance and repairs that are available at Good Works Auto Repair:
- Check the coolant level, concentration and condition.
- Check for leaks.
- The entire cooling system is cleaned.
- Coolant is completely flushed from the system.
- We add fresh new premium coolant.
- Conditioners are also included to prevent rust and corrosion.
- BG Cooling System Sealer is included to prevent leaks.
- Inspect belts and hoses.
- Replace any parts found to be leaking or failing (if needed).
- Check / replace (if needed) a damaged or worn out water pump.
How Often We Recommend
Cooling System Service
Good Works Auto Repair recommends a Cooling System Service every 12 months for standard coolant or 24 months for extended-life coolant.