AC Service

Auto AC Service in Tempe & Mesa
Common Air Conditioning Problems
Auto AC service is essential, especially when you live here in Tempe and summertime temperatures often hit 100 degrees or more. At Good Works Auto Repair, we don’t want to see you stuck in the summer heat with your car’s AC blowing hot air!
An annual inspection of the vehicle, including your car’s air conditioning system, may help prevent costly repairs. Check out our AC service specials and make sure YOUR vehicle’s AC is in good working order. For automotive expert tips on keeping your car cool, visit our podcast!
Inspection and preventative maintenance can really make a difference in the cost of repairs. So don’t wait. Get your auto’s AC checked with us today – before it blows hot air!
Read More About Common Air Conditioning Issues
Don't wait! Make your AC Service appointment today!
What We Do During AC Service
At Good Works Auto Repair, we visually inspect your car’s AC system including the following:
- System Pressures
- Vent Temperature
- Belt Tension
- Air Volume
Does Your Auto Repair Shop Have THIS?
Good Works Auto Repair is one of the few independent auto repair shops in the entire Valley that has the R1234YF Refrigerant Evacuation and Recharge Machine to service your car’s 2013 or newer A/C system.
Did You Know …
If a shop does not have the right equipment, they could cross-contaminate your AC system with the wrong oil and/or refrigerant, destroying your system internally and costing thousands of dollars in damage!
We Have the Solution!
We invest in you! Good Works Auto Repair is constantly investing in the latest and most innovative equipment in the industry to serve our customers and to provide state-of-the-art auto and light truck repairs.
How Often Do We Recommend AC Service?
Every year.
The R1234yf
The Extremely Rare Auto AC Service Equipment You’ve Never Heard of, But Your Car Needs
This is the the R1234yf Refrigerant Evacuation and Recharge Machine. And if you drive a newer model car, your car needs this machine. But chances are, your mechanic does not have one in their shop.
Good Works Auto Repair is one of only a handful of independent shops in the entire East Valley that has the R1234yf Refrigerant Evacuation and Recharge Machine.
What makes this equipment so special is that it is the ONLY machine that can service AC systems for late-model autos from 2016 and on. These vehicles have a new refrigerant formula that requires less refrigerant gas in the AC system. This cannot be substituted with any other type of refrigerant without destroying the integrity of the entire air conditioning system.
So why don’t most mechanics have one? Well, because they are very expensive.
If your mechanic doesn’t have this equipment, however, they could cross-contaminate your car’s AC system with the wrong oil and/or refrigerant. This can destroy the car’s system internally and cost thousands of dollars in damage!
Good Works Auto Repair purchased this machine just a few years ago. Since these machines are so rare, we actually offer this service to other repair shops and body shops to help them service their customers’ cars!
It is just one of the many things Good Works Auto Repair is constantly doing to invest in the latest and most innovative equipment in the industry. We are committed to providing state-of-the-art auto and light truck repair.
The 134a
The Workhorse of the Auto AC Service Equipment Systems
Unlike the the R1234yf, the R134a is an extremely common machine used to service auto AC systems. At Good Works Auto Repair, we actually have three of these workhorse machines. Because of this, we are able to effectively and efficiently service your car’s AC system and get your auto back out on the road blowing crisp, cold air.
The Hybrid System
Hybrid Cars Need Specialized AC Repair Equipment!
To further serve our customers’ needs, one of our R134a Systems is actually a more specialized “Hybrid” system.
This less common Hybrid system is the only AC Service System that can be used on Hybrid Cars. It features a cleaning and filtration system that takes all contaminants out of the hoses that are connected to the vehicle’s AC system.
You see, although hybrid vehicles use the same refrigerant, they use a completely different lubrication oil. That is crucial when servicing HYBRID vehicles because the AC compressor on a hybrid is driven by an internal electric motor. This motor emits electromagnetic energy that can attract metallic particles found in the ferrous oil used in conventional vehicle AC systems. Thus, a non-ferrous oil has to be used in Hybrids.
If your mechanic used a regular R134a System, the machine would not be able to remove contaminating oil particulates. Then, that residue would get introduced into the hybrid system. Those particles would eventually destroy the compressor and contaminate the entire system. This could result in a $3,000 to $4,000 repair!
Using the right equipment takes understanding, training, and investment. It is just one of the many things Good Works Auto Repair is constantly doing to offer our Hybrid Auto customers the best service available.