by Glen Hayward | Dec 12, 2017 | CAR CARE TIPS
It may not be the most common auto repair that our repair shop sees here in Arizona, but we have had some instances where drivers needed us to help after water damage to their vehicle. In many parts of the country, heavy rains have taken a toll on vehicles. From water...
by Glen Hayward | Nov 20, 2017 | CAR CARE TIPS
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the holidays are upon us … the turkey is in the brine, pie crusts are being rolled out, belts are being loosened and Christmas lists are getting made. This is such a fun time of year, and while it can be insanely busy, the opportunity to...
by Glen Hayward | Oct 10, 2017 | CAR CARE TIPS
October, also known as Fall Car Care Month, is the perfect time to start doing something better for your vehicle – routine car maintenance. Most people get in the habit of visiting their trusted auto repair shop only when they need a car repair or if something goes...
by Glen Hayward | Sep 26, 2017 | CAR CARE TIPS
It’s summer, the kids are out of school and busy with activities. So how can you save money on gas while you are running from point A to point B all day long? The first thing you can do is plan your day in advance and combine errands when possible. Several short trips...
by Glen Hayward | Sep 8, 2017 | CAR CARE TIPS
In a recent article from The National Institute of Automotive Service Excellence (ASE), they have defined what makes safe driving – stopping and steering. As we see more vehicles on our roads than ever before, safe driving has become a major topic for officials and...