Preventative maintenance is a critical factor in helping you get the most out of your vehicle and keeping it in safe driving condition. You’re probably most familiar with things like oil changes, brake service, and tire rotations. But, don’t neglect another important...
These days, the internet is a treasure trove of information for Do-It-Yourself’ers. Just take a quick look at YouTube and you’re likely to find hundreds, or even thousands, of videos on any home or auto repair topic that you can imagine. While online tutorials may be...
You don’t have to have lived in Arizona for very long to know that our summer temperatures can get HOT! While YOU may be able to cool off at the neighbor’s pool or by sitting inside with the A/C, your car doesn’t have that luxury. Let’s take a look at how you can...
Owning a vehicle is a little like having a child. You have to learn its quirks and what it takes to keep it healthy. After all, purchasing a vehicle is a huge investment and you want it to last as long as possible. Let’s take a look at how something as simple as...
One of the most important safety features your vehicle has are its brakes. That is, as long as they’re in good condition and working well. If you notice funny noises like squealing brakes, however, you might wonder exactly how safe they are. Let’s take a look at some...