Buying a vehicle is one of the biggest monetary investments you’ll ever make. With so much at stake, you may wonder if a powertrain warranty, or any other type of warranty, is worth the extra money. Let’s answer some common questions about the topic and then you can...
These days, the internet is a treasure trove of information for Do-It-Yourself’ers. Just take a quick look at YouTube and you’re likely to find hundreds, or even thousands, of videos on any home or auto repair topic that you can imagine. While online tutorials may be...
“Your timing is impeccable.” You may have heard that once or twice. Usually, it’s said in a sarcastic tone when you’ve said or done something at the most inopportune moment. But, what if that could be said about your car? It can be … as long as the timing belt is in...
It’s officially spring, and you know what that means. Time for spring cleaning! While you’re at it, don’t forget about your car. After all, April also brings National Car Care Month. No, it’s not the only time you should care for your car. But, it IS a great time to...
The Stadium Club – Family Owned American Eatery Welcome to week 4 of the COVID MAD program! If you’re just joining us, COVID MAD stands for a Community of Valiant Individuals Determined to Make a Difference. In a time when much of the news we hear is negative, we’re...