Buying an extended car warranty when you purchase a new or used vehicle is an extra expense. Sometimes, it adds thousands of dollars to your purchase, especially if you’re financing your car. So, the question arises … is it really necessary? The bottom line is … it...
Thanks to Covid-19, there have been marked changes to travel in 2020. From airline restrictions to regulations regarding out-of-state visitors, you may not have left your local vicinity much at all this year. That doesn’t mean you won’t find yourself taking a road...
Did you know that October is Fall Car Care Month? With the changing of leaves and cooling weather, it’s time to think about some preventative maintenance on your vehicle before winter comes. Fall Car Care To-Do List The summer heat, especially here in Arizona, may...
In spite of the best planning, sometimes necessary auto repairs give our customers unpleasant surprises. Surprises that could leave them financially strapped or without wheels. We know that you depend on your car for everything – most importantly, for your family,...
Getting an oil change used to be a simple car maintenance task. People didn’t have to decide which type of oil to put into their vehicle. Nowadays, however, you can choose between synthetic oil or conventional oil. But, what is the difference between the two and which...