Answers From Your Tempe Auto Experts At our Tempe auto repair shop, we get all kinds of car-related questions from our customers. That’s because they know we’re always willing to give a straightforward and honest answer. We often hear questions like: ...
You may think that driving an older vehicle or a high mileage car could put you at a greater risk for an accident. Unless those vehicles are also in poor condition, however, they could be just as safe as a newer model. So, what does matter? According to some research,...
If you’ve visited a car dealership lately, you may have arrived with the hopes and dreams of a new vehicle but left with sticker shock. With the average new car sticker price sitting right around $45,000, it’s going to cost a chunk of change to purchase a new vehicle...
Did you know that a transmission repair, rebuild, or replacement could cost you anywhere from $1200 to $5000? Of course, the actual amount depends on your vehicle’s make and model, type of transmission, and the extent of the damage. If you are curious as to what...
Think you have a high mileage car? You might want to rethink your definition of ‘high mileage’ once you know that the current Guinness Book of World Records holder has 3.25 MILLION miles! While that is impressive, that doesn’t make your high mileage car with 100,000+...