by Glen Hayward | Oct 23, 2018 | CAR CARE TIPS
Many people use the terms shocks and struts interchangeably. This often creates confusion as to what each part does and the role each one plays in providing a safe and comfortable driving experience. Let’s take a look at what they are. Also, learn how to recognize the...
by Glen Hayward | Aug 31, 2018 | CAR CARE TIPS
This month has been Brake Safety Month and it’s the perfect time to have your brakes inspected. It’s important to pay a little extra attention to what you feel, smell, see and hear. We understand, life is busy and it can be easy to overlook your vehicle’s...
by Glen Hayward | Feb 6, 2018 | CAR CARE TIPS
Many of us drive once the sun goes down, and as the days get shorter, it becomes more apparent that we will need our car headlights more now than ever. You might not think about it very often, but they really are an important safety feature of our vehicles. If they...
by Glen Hayward | Nov 20, 2017 | CAR CARE TIPS
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the holidays are upon us … the turkey is in the brine, pie crusts are being rolled out, belts are being loosened and Christmas lists are getting made. This is such a fun time of year, and while it can be insanely busy, the opportunity to...
by Glen Hayward | Oct 10, 2017 | CAR CARE TIPS
October, also known as Fall Car Care Month, is the perfect time to start doing something better for your vehicle – routine car maintenance. Most people get in the habit of visiting their trusted auto repair shop only when they need a car repair or if something goes...