by Glen Hayward | Sep 8, 2017 | CAR CARE TIPS
Did you know that the average price of a new car is almost $34,000? Newer vehicles are equipped with more bells and whistles than ever before. Buying a new car is a big investment and if you take the necessary steps, your car should last for years to come. The days...
by Glen Hayward | Sep 8, 2017 | CAR CARE TIPS
In a recent article from The National Institute of Automotive Service Excellence (ASE), they have defined what makes safe driving – stopping and steering. As we see more vehicles on our roads than ever before, safe driving has become a major topic for officials and...
by Glen Hayward | Sep 7, 2017 | CAR CARE TIPS
Whether you’re driving 25 mph or 65 mph, if your brakes aren’t working properly, your safety and the safety of everyone else on the road is at risk. There are some systems of your vehicle that work to make it run, but there are also systems that make your vehicle safe...
by Glen Hayward | Jun 21, 2017 | CAR CARE TIPS
This time of the year is a favorite for long road trips, but before you hit the road to sightsee America, here are some basic car maintenance tips you should have done first. Tires Let’s start with the wheels and tire maintenance on your car. Most cars should have...
by Glen Hayward | Sep 18, 2016 | CAR CARE TIPS
Summer is winding down, and while the temperatures are still climbing over the 100 mark here in Arizona, cooler weather is on its way – thankfully. The blistering heat we have had this year has wreaked havoc on many of our vehicles; we have seen numerous cars here in...