by Glen Hayward | Nov 29, 2018 | CAR CARE TIPS
Each time you bring your vehicle in for an auto repair or preventative maintenance service, we want to check your vehicle for any other issues free of charge. Why? Because we are here to maintain your vehicle, not repair it. We want to get to the issues ahead of time...
by Glen Hayward | Nov 20, 2018 | CAR CARE TIPS
A differential repair on your vehicle isn’t one of the most common repairs you need done, but they should never be neglected. Your differential system is an exceptionally important part of your vehicle. Have you ever thought about how your vehicle turns so...
by Glen Hayward | Nov 13, 2018 | CAR CARE TIPS
Fuel systems aren’t the most common auto repair or service that people come see us for, but they are certainly an important one. Your fuel system needs to be working properly so you get the most out of your vehicle. Your engine requires fuel to run, but when your fuel...
by Glen Hayward | Aug 31, 2018 | CAR CARE TIPS
This month has been Brake Safety Month and it’s the perfect time to have your brakes inspected. It’s important to pay a little extra attention to what you feel, smell, see and hear. We understand, life is busy and it can be easy to overlook your vehicle’s...
by Glen Hayward | May 30, 2018 | CAR CARE TIPS
Your hybrid vehicle was an investment and probably took a lot of time and research before you made your decision to drive a green car. That says a lot about the type of driver you are; informed, educated and thorough. So when it comes to hybrid repairs, why would you...