


2348 E. Broadway Rd.
Tempe, AZ 85282

When Do I Need A Wheel Alignment?

Many factors affect the everyday functioning and overall longevity of your vehicle, including proper wheel alignment.  In fact, wheel alignments affect other things as well: fuel efficiency, steering safety, and tire performance to name a few.  Read on to find out why...

Shocks and Struts Replacement Guide

Many people use the terms shocks and struts interchangeably. This often creates confusion as to what each part does and the role each one plays in providing a safe and comfortable driving experience. Let’s take a look at what they are. Also, learn how to recognize the...

How Safe Are Your Brakes?

This month has been Brake Safety Month and it’s the perfect time to have your brakes inspected. It’s important to pay a little extra attention to what you feel, smell, see and hear. We understand, life is busy and it can be easy to overlook your vehicle’s...

Honda vehicles deserve the best in service!

Honda owners are usually very proud of their vehicles. Honda is always at the forefront in automotive technology and automotive advancements. They work hard to improve features and safety while giving their customers vehicles with the best gas mileage and awesome...