by Glen Hayward | Feb 3, 2020 | CAR CARE TIPS
The answer to this question is generally affected by where you live, and more importantly, where you drive. In some areas of the country, winter tires, aka snow tires, are a wise investment, while in other areas, they might not even be a consideration at all. ...
by Glen Hayward | Jan 28, 2020 | CAR CARE TIPS
For most people, buying a vehicle is one of the biggest financial investments they’ll ever make. While it may happen several times during your lifetime, you probably don’t want to do it too frequently, unless you have a lot of extra cash hanging around. ...
by Glen Hayward | Jan 27, 2020 | CAR CARE TIPS
If you live in Arizona, you likely appreciate the fact that you get to avoid the significant snowfall and seriously cold weather that the northern half of the country gets during the winter. That doesn’t mean you can avoid the cold altogether, however. So how does...
by Glen Hayward | Dec 3, 2019 | CAR CARE TIPS
If you’re the proud owner of a European model vehicle, you’re part of an elite group – one that values the quality, performance, and craftsmanship that a luxury, foreign model has to offer. Unlike many average vehicles, cost is not the primary factor driving the...
by Glen Hayward | Nov 20, 2019 | CAR CARE TIPS
“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” We’ve all heard that before … but is it really true? Maybe sometimes, but it certainly isn’t a good rule of thumb to follow when it comes to vehicle maintenance. Instead, we recommend listening to this piece of advice: “prevention is...